Centered in Jesus Christ . Learning . Love . Teamwork . Generosity
Church of the Master desires to reflect Jesus in everyday life. We seek relationships that enrich lives as we compassionately serve our community and beyond.
We work to partner and grow with our community. Serving our local schools, helping with job fairs, packing lunches for students, providing a food pantry along with holiday and outside activities to engage with the diverse needs and blessings in our neighborhood. You can find out more of what is happening presently by reaching out to our leadership with a call or email.
Church of the Master is a community of believers that welcomes you to attend worship, bible study and other activities on campus. We have a seat waiting for you and look forward to welcoming you to worship with us. The north side door to the building is our new entrance, giving us the blessing of one level and allowing God to use our building to bless many others. Service begins at 10:30 A.M. Please visit our Location page to view the helpful map.
Do you want to be a part of something that truly glorifies God? Do you enjoy singing, playing an instrument, gardening, baking, or serving others with your hospitality? Your gifts can inspire other believers! Church of the Master worships through song, art and even laughter and conversation with one another. Want to get involved, please join us!